Herbal Medicine and Food

At Mend Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine here in Gilbert, our functional nutritionist is here to help you get healthy and happy through the natural methods of herbal therapy, functional nutrition, and Chinese medicine.

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Through Chinese herbal medicine, we can help you achieve your healing goals. Chinese herbs are safe, natural, and effective. They are not supplements and are typically used for only a short time period until the condition is relieved. Each formula is personalized specifically for you and your body’s needs. There are a variety of different ways the herbal formulas can be taken – raw herbs that need to be boiled for many hours, granules that need to be dissolved in boiling water, tinctures with alcohol/glycerine base, or through capsules.

The most effective form is raw or granules, however, it is more important to find a form to fit your lifestyle. At Mend, we use the highest levels of standards through several testing procedures to make sure the Chinese herbs we use are pure.

Middle aged woman drink herbal tea

Are the Herbal Formulas Safe?

(Swipe Right To View Results)

Lab Tests Performed By
Evergreen Herbs
Sole Acceptable Outcome
Organoleptic Visual Check Pass
TLC Active Ingredient Check Pass
Total Heavy Metal Test Pass
Total Yeast and Mold Test Pass
Salmonella Test Pass
Loss on Drying Test Pass
Acid-Insoluble Ash Test Pass
Individual Heavy Metal Tests*
(Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic)
Aflatoxin Test* Pass
Aristolochic Acid Test* Pass
Microscopic Cellular Identity Check Pass
HPLC Potency Level Test Pass
Total Bacterial Count Test Pass
E.coli Test Pass
Staphylococcus aureus Test Pass
Total Ash Content Test Pass
Dil. etOH Extract Test Pass
Pesticide Test*
(over 100 pesticides tested)
(Organochlorine and Organophosphorus)
Ochratoxin Test* Pass
Aconitine Test* Pass

In Herbal Medicine, Why Aren’t the Same Herbs Used for the Same Conditions?

The heart of Chinese medicine begins with the proper diagnostics. Chinese medicine doctors consider many factors when we evaluate a patient and listen to what the body is telling us through our sensitive diagnostic skills, such as looking at the tongue, pulse diagnosis, and palpation of certain areas of the body. We do not use the same medicine and treatments for every patient with the same illness, rather, we have many options to personalize the treatment and herbal medicine based on your individual presentation. Our bodies are unique and need to be treated that way. The best recommendation is to get a full review by a Chinese medicine specialist to get the best and safest results.

The Stages of Herbal Medicine Care

While you may be excited to see the results of herbal therapy and wonder, “How long before I see results?” remember that this is a process. Here are the stages of herbal medicine to help you understand your journey.

Stage 1: Symptomatic Care

During this stage, your doctor is concerned with alleviating the symptoms causing you to seek his or her care. Once your symptoms are relieved, you will move on to Step 2, Corrective Care.

If this is difficult to understand, think of replenishing an overgrown garden. The first step in cultivating the space is to cut back excess growth and weeds. Your symptoms are very much like weeds.

Stage 2: Corrective Care

In order to restore your health, your physician must also determine the underlying cause of your illness, rather than simply addressing the symptoms. This involves a second evergreen formula uniquely positioned and carefully prescribed to address the root of your concerns. Often, patients enjoy the second treatment phase for two to six months.

Continuing the garden analogy, we now must take complete care to remove the weeds from the soil and prepare the soil for new seeds to plant. Using appropriate tools, the roots are extracted, leaving healthy plants and rich earth behind. Step 2 heals what is creating and causing your pain and discomfort, setting the stage for healthy living.

Stage 3: Prophylactic Care

The final phase of your care includes Maintenance Therapy. Your doctor will prescribe tonics and other evergreen formulas to keep your immune system strong and healthy, so it will protect the body as it should. The final phase of treatment is ongoing. After all, a relapse is simply unacceptable when such high-quality herbal supplements are so readily available.

In our analogy, this means the soil of our reclaimed garden is fertilized and treated to prevent the return of weeds while building a healthy foundation to support the growth of beautiful plants and flowers. What this means for you is that your overall health is protected by Chinese herbs, just as the garden is protected and allowed to thrive.

Our Functional Nutritionist Will Provide You With A Treatment Plan

In Traditional Chinese medicine, food and a whole person approach is a powerful tool to help create and maintain wellness. In fact, food itself can be all the medicine you need at times. As Hippocrates stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

It’s important to remember, though, what may be considered beneficial in one person’s diet, might not be suitable for another person’s diet. Through a whole person approach, our Functional Nutrition Consultant at Mend will help you find balance in your diet and help you solve digestion issues.

Organic Herbal Liniment product made in-house at the Mend Acupuncture office

Let Mend Help Heal You Through Herbal Medicine

At Mend Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Gilbert, Arizona, we are here to help you get healthy and happy through our herbal medicine and clean eating services. Contact us at (480) 788-1757 or schedule your appointment online today.

Patient Reviews

Start Your Journey

For new patients, we schedule a comprehensive examination to go over your concerns, eating and sleeping patterns, day-to-day activity, diet, and anything else that may be contributing to your medical concern. We are your trusted integrative doctor in Gilbert.